
The Study of Perceptional Typology of Science and Technology Students toward AI: the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Jin-Young Kim

Background/Objectives: In order to understand future scientists’ perspectives on artificial intelligence, this study explores students' perspectives toward AI and classifies them into perceptional typology. Research questions are 1) what students’ views and attitudes on AI and how they are classified, 2) what are the characteristics of those perspectives. Methods/Statistical analysis: This study utilizes Q methodology, which is used in a study of people's subjectivity and is a method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. 30 students (16 males and 14 females) from the university of Science and Technology in Korea participated for the present study. Participants had been extracted from all academic years. Findings: As a result of performing QUANL to analyze the Q typology, the P sample, respondents of this study, were discerned into four types. The four types were given the following descriptive labels: (I) Humanistic Optimist Type, (II) Government-led Preparation Type, (III) Norms & Co-existence Seeker Type, and (IV) AI-Anxiety Type. The four types are commonly recognized that humanism and human rights will become more important in the age of AI. All four types objected to the halt of the development of AI technology. Beyond the common beliefs, each type has its own characteristics and shows from confident optimism to serious concern toward strong AI. Improvements/Applications: This is an empirical study about AI. The findings suggest reflection and preparation on AI and the fourth industrial revolution and help to orient policies of AI. Further, it will promote follow-up research into AI with humanity and social science discipline perspectives.

Volume 11 | Issue 1

Pages: 1-6