Power system planners have come to rely on FACTS devices to overcome several operational limitations in terms of thermal stability, voltage stability and other limitations offered by transmission lines. The FACTS devices are capable of controlling the power flow alternating voltage magnitude, phase angles, circuit resistance under capable of providing a holistic approach for multiple issues encountered during the transfer of power. The presence of low frequency electromechanical oscillations that vary in the range of 0.1-0.8 Hz creates a main challenge for proper secure operation of the power system. This paper describes about an adaptive approach for FACTS device control that aims at power oscillation damping and proposes a self tuning PI controller that simultaneously damps both inter-area oscillations and local-mode. The results which are obtained for the same are then compared with the self tuning PI controller and fixed gain PI controller. The proposed controller is designed to work in TCSC, STATCOM and UPFC FACTS devices and then it is tested on a modified IEEE 14 bus system.
Volume 11 | Issue 5
Pages: 192-198