
A Study on the Waves of Demographic Factors on the Preference of Spiritual Tourism

M.S. Sreeparvathy and H. Jyothilakshmy

In this modern world, spiritual tourism is acquiring a lot of significance. The increasing concern within the business and practice of spiritual tourism cannot be overlooked. This interest galvanizes the research aiming to offer the impact of demographic factors which influence the preference of people towards spiritual tourism. Tensity, mental stress, work pressure etc. lead to depression and agitation, bipolar illness, mental problems, mental deterioration. These are consequences of modernized lifestyle. These instances broadened the demand for spirituality. Our study mainly focused on the demographic factors which influence the preference of the people towards spiritual tourism. Therefore the six elements of the demographic factors: age, gender, marital status, occupation, education and income are considered to align with the spiritual tourism and the preference of people. The research is exploratory and hypothetical in nature. The sample of the study encompasses 213 people randomly selected from Kerala

Volume 11 | 06-Special Issue

Pages: 1055-1059