The study deals with “PRICE MOVEMENT USING OSCILLATORS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIAN BANKING SCRIPS”. The main objective of this study is to analyze the price movement of selected Banking Stocks. Technical Analysis is the forecasting of future financial price movements based on an examination of past price movements. Technical analysis does not result in absolute predictions about the future with regard to forecasting. Instead, technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is "possible" to happen to prices over time. Technical analysis is study of predicting prices of securities for future the main aim of technical analysis is to generate returns by charter person decide when to enter and when to exit in the security. Technical Analysis is the analysis of the stock market relating to factors affecting the supply and demand of stocks. It helps in understanding the intrinsic value of shares and knowing whether the shares are undervalued or overvalued. The stock market indicators would help the investor to identify major market turning points. This is a significant technical analysis of selected companies which helps to understand the price behavior of the shares, the signals given by them and the major turning points of the market price. This paper is aims at carrying out Technical Analysis of the securities of the selected private sector and public sector companies and to assist investment decisions in this Indian Market with special reference to Banking stocks. And the research covers the stocks that come under large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks listed in Nifty 50
Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue
Pages: 473-478