
Visual and Tactile Design Attributes of Branded Sports Shoes

Muthu Kumar and Prof.Dr. Sibichan Mathew

The objective of this study was to identify the visual and tactile design attributes of branded sports shoe. Seventy three domain experts were participated in this study. A one-on-one discussion was conducted to fill the structured survey questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three parts. First part consists of design attributes details; second part includes 3 choice indication relevant to first and third parts. Third column contains visual and tactile design attributes. Hence, the domain experts have to link the first column design attributes along with third column of visual and tactile design attributes at the given 3 choice second column. As per the domain experts opinion it is further analyzed through principal component analysis to group relevantly under visual and tactile design attributes appropriately.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 492-499