Tall structures in industrial areas are usually succumbed to structural damage due to the continuous exposure to heavy winds blowing across them. To prevent the catastrophic failure of the structures, suitable passive devices are being used by the design engineers. The passive devices are seen to be very effective in reducing Aeolian vibrations of these structures. Apart from this, active methods of providing oscillations are used by the engineers for the suppression of vortex induced vibrations. The study of flow oscillations in the wake of a bare cylinder and also a cylinder with an oscillating splitter plate in the wake was carried out numerically. The flow was considered to be unsteady and turbulent in the flow field. Since the Mach number is less than 0.3, the flow is subsonic and incompressible. A three dimensional computational domain was modelled for numerical simulation and unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations with SST k- ω turbulence model was used for calculations. The flow oscillations in the wake were investigated for different amplitudes of vibrations provided to the splitter plate in the wake region. The flow characteristics in the flow field were analysed to study the effectiveness of compound method in reducing the Strouhal frequency of vortices that are produced in the rear of the structure. The results agree well with the available experimental data in the literature. It was observed that the use of compound method with oscillating splitter plate to be more effective than providing a stationary plate in the wake of the structure.
Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue
Pages: 562-569