
The Identification of Hippocampus from MRI of Human Brain Using Cluster and Filtering

S. Kavitha and Dr.T. Genish

In the field of neuroimaging research, there is an increasing focus on hippocampus. This is due to the fact that the hippocampus (Hc) is responsible for memory processing and concerned with various memory-related diseases. So, the extraction of Hc is important for such kind of diseases. But, the extraction of Hc is difficult and laborious task leading to inter and intra related variabilities. So, a technique is essential to segment the part of Hc to overcome these problems. In this work, a novel semi-automatic tool is developed to achieve the segmentation. For this technique, there are two stages followed. In stage 1, the original image is preprocessed using trimmed mean filter. This is to improve the boundary of Hc from other parts. In stage 2, the segmentation is done using cluster and connected component techniques. The result of the proposed method is compared with ITK-SNAP (a semi-automatic tool) by computing metrices such as Jaccard and Dice.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 580-585