
Factors that Influence the Performance of Employees (Study in PNSD in the Regional Government of Bandung City)

Shinta Oktafien

The success of the government in achieving performance targets was not balanced by the improvement of their employees’ performance. The aim of the study was to analyze the quality of work life, communication within the organization, work satisfaction and employees discipline within the government of Bandung, and the influence among these variables as well. The method of the study was explanatory survey. The population of this study was regional civil servants in Bandung city, with total population of 21,444 employees. The samples were 393 employees. Proportionate random sampling was used to 60 staff members of regional work units within the city of Bandung. The instrument was questionnaire, and data analysis used path analysis with the assist of a statistical package named SPSS 19.0. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the quality of work life and communication within the organization had a positive and significant influence on employees’ job satisfaction; the quality of work life and communication within the organization had a positive and significant influence on employees’ discipline; the quality of work life and communication within the organization, employee job satisfaction and discipline had a positive and significant influence on employees’ performance.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 664-670