
Understanding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Measure Continuance Intention of SNSS

Cut Irna Setiawati, Anita Silvianita and Ivan Gumilar

Currently, citizen believe social media as the strategic platforms for life. In Indonesia, active users of SNSs in 2014 as much as 70 million (Facebook), 20 million (Twitter), 30 million (Chatting Line, Path, Instagram, Linkedln, Google+). The purpose of this research is to determine Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to analyse users’ continuance intention of social networking services (SNSs). This research focus on the expectation-confirmation model of IS continuance. This research believes that self- actualizations needs from the respect of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory (i.e. self-expression and happiness include on consumerism) is the main area that requires this research attention. This research uses path analysis and survey from questionnaires among Bandung citizen. The findings of this research are, first: users tend to adjust their expectations of fulfilment of self-expression and fulfilment of happiness to figure out the actual condition according to their experience. Second, fulfilment of selfactualization needs is found to have a mutual significant impact on satisfaction. Third, satisfaction and fulfilment of self-actualization needs have impact of continuance intention; however the effect of fulfilment of self-actualization needs on continuance intention is completely mediated by satisfaction in term of low significance. This research defines that satisfaction on SNSs among Bandung citizen in term of continuance intention is low condition, because mostly Bandung citizen are determinate themselves toward continuance intention of SNSs usage just motivated by self-actualization needs. The findings provides implications for marketing managers that should pay attention to users’ assessment on web site basic functions, collect users’ feedback in a timely manner, and update website properly.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 671-678