The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of profitability ratio on the stock trading volume activity in the companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index. Factors tested in this research were (1) gross profit margin, (2) net profit margin, (3) earnings per share, and (4) return on assets as independent variable. While the stock trading volume activity as dependent variable. The method that is being used in this research is descriptive method. Sampling technique being used in this study is purposive sampling method, with 12 companies as the total number of the selected sample. While the analyzing method being used in this study is the regression of linear on the significance level is 5%. The research’s result shows that only net profit margin partially influence on trading volume activity, moreover (1) gross profit margin, (2) net profit margin, (3) earnings per share and (4) return on assets simultaneously influence on The stock trading volume activity in the companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index during the period of 2010-2014.
Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue
Pages: 679-686