
A Study on Identifying Fake Travelers Using Aadhar Card

M. Pandeeswaran, V. Brindha and S. Anupriya

In the New era of technology all system has to be updated, Indian Railway is the 2nd largest Rail Network in India it is the backbone of public and goods transport in India. Bulk of long distance traffic is carried by the Indian Railway. We think to implement biometrics in our research and then decided to use fingerprint module also for the add-on for user flexibility using. In our Project Research we are trying to minimize railway Reservation Fraud and give more facility to traveler and improve society. Also simplify the Reservation System in that we will take fingerprint of the person who goes for reservation/ticket booking and help a lot humanitarian by this innovative technology. Standalone module which contains Finger Print Module verify the person’s identity. At time of journey Ticket checker will verify fingerprint with previously stored data using standalone module as a part of verification. By this more number of papers will be saved by that can help Railway in increasing their income by saving cost of paper. No need to carry identity proof. Due to this complicated and bulky reservation and transport system can be corrected.

Volume 11 | Issue 3

Pages: 44-68