
The Effect of Blended Learning Strategy and Students’ Personality on the Students’ Knowledge about the Basic Concepts of Ecology

R. Sinta Dewi Sekarwati, I. Made Putrawan and Amos Neolaka

Blended learning is an ICT-based learning strategy that can be used at learning process for Z-generation students who are familiar with technology and gadgets. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of blended learning (Rotation Model vs. Flex Model) and personality traits on students’ knowledge about basic concepts ecology. An experimental method used by 2x2 factorial designs, involving 90 senior high school students. Personality instrument developed with a reliability was .971 and 33 items multiple choice test for measuring students' knowledge (reliability was .966). Data analyzed by two-way ANOVA. The research results showed that there was no significant effect of instructional blended learning strategies on students’ knowledge, however, students personality significantly affect students’ knowledge about basic ecology. Unfortunately, the interaction effect of strategies and personality in affecting students’ knowledge was not significant as well. Therefore, it could not be proved that blended learning was effective in affecting students’ knowledge dependently to personality, even though Z-generation is characterized by digital literacy, but from this case, it could not be judged that students which dominated by Z-generation was effective when taught by complicated classroom technologies.

Volume 11 | 09-Special Issue

Pages: 377-383

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11/20192582