
Animation Media Development To Improve College Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots)

ArieWahyuni, PrihadiKurniawan, S. B. Waluya, Adi Nur Cahyono

This research was aimed to create animation media to improve college students’ HOTS. The product created was an animated learning media to facilitate students in improving their higher-order thinking skills. The research method used was Research and Development (R&D). There were six procedures; 1) Data collection, 2) Product design, 3) Design validation, 4) Design revision, 5) Product Testing, 6) Product Revision. Despite the time limitation, not all of the procedures were administered. The subject of the research was the second-semester students of mathematics education program atUniversitasIvet. The data collection was administered by the use of a validation questionnaire and test. The instrument used to collect learning result document was a test; meanwhile, the instrument used to find out the efficacy of the learning media was a validation questionnaire to check the learning media eligibility in improving HOTS and also questionnaire to find out the attractiveness of the learning media. The technique used in analyzing the data was descriptive quantitative to provide the quantitative data from validator scores and students’ responses. The research also provided qualitative data to describe the comment, suggestion, and revision from the validator. Based on the validation of the animation learning media development to improve college students’ HOTS, it was gained that; (1) The development of animation media eligibility got 3.75 (attractive) from the material expert. Meanwhile, the media expert gave 4.6 (very attractive) from the validation process. The product was considered to be eligible, (2) the attractiveness of the animation media based on the students’ response scored 3.65 or categorized as good.

Volume 11 | Issue 7

Pages: 412-418