
"Cloud Democracy": Synergetic Potential Of Practopia

GlebDmitrievichLeontyev, Ludmila Stanislavovna Leontieva

They performed the analysis of the social and informational project of Russian political scientists “Cloud Democracy” as the form of social forecasting. The socio-mobilization effect of organizational and technological IT innovations is highlighted, their ability to stimulate the growth of civic activity due to the implementation of the communicative phenomenon “consivialite” (J. d'Arcy) and, thus, to be an instrument for the socio-political system adjustment. The basis of the Cloud Democracy project is the development of political self-organization of citizens and the construction of electoral procedure system using cloud-based Internet technologies, that is, Web OS - cloud-based operating systems. Thanks to a specific algorithm of social and technological actions, systematic measurements of the socio-political system state are carried out in the online mode, its dynamic equilibrium is achieved, voters become more competent, politicians become more honest, and electoral procedures are less complicated. The conceptual continuity of “cloud democracy” is traced with the ideas of the “informational rule of the people” by M. Bunge and the “informational democracy” by M. Rokar. The electoral - procedural approach to modeling the "cloud" future was described by the authors of the article according to K. Popper terminology as a "piecemeal" method, that is, "the social engineering of private solutions." In the context of the post-non-classical discourse of the future, the presented form of social forecasting is defined as digital practopia, which evolutionarily forms an alternative reality, overcoming the socio-political alienation of a man.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 2263-2266