
Revealing The Meaning Of Profit Of Woven Fabric Weavers In Mellangkena Padang Village, Mamasa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Mira Labi Bandhaso, Christina Jeane Tandirerung, Natalia Paranoan

This study aims to reveal the meaning of profit of woven fabrics weavers in the community of Mellangkena Padang Village, Sesena Padang District, Mamasa Regency. The research method used a qualitative research method and analysed with Hermeneutika Intensionalisme to interpret the text in order to obtain an understanding. Also used Miles and Huberman method, which is collecting data, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Researchers will interact with local community and conduct interviews related to woven fabric weavers, collectors, and consumers. Results of this study are reveal the meaning of the price profit of woven fabrics: 1) Material profit, profit in the form of money used to meet family needs; 2) Spiritual profit, the benefit given to the church and offerings to God; 3) Love profit, weavers mostly do weaving work because it is based on an attitude of love for the family. Work adds to family income to meet daily needs; 4) Self-existence profit, weavers have a feeling of being able to do work that has been passed down by ancestors; 5) Satisfaction profit, having a satisfied feeling if their work appreciated and used by people. Make others happy and get the opportunity to share with others.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 2329-2336