
Entrepreneurial Learning Strategies For Vocational Student Interest In Culinary Skills Competencies

Ni Wayan Sukerti, Amat Mukhadis, Titi Mutiara Kiranawati,Hary Suswanto

The entrepreneurial learning strategies used so far in vocational schools are still very conventional, teachercentered, students are only passive listeners. This condition leads to the lack of enthusiasm of students participating in entrepreneurship learning, while the aim of entrepreneurial learning is to prepare students skilled in entrepreneurship. Learning strategies should be designed by prioritizing students as learning centers, practicum centers so that entrepreneurial learning is not only dominated by theory but more with real practice making products that are of entrepreneurial value in order to prepare graduates for entrepreneurship. This study aims to reveal the analysis of entrepreneurship learning strategies that have taken place so far towards the Entrepreneurial Interest of students in the culinary field of vocational students in Bali Province. This type of research is Exposure facto with a quantitative approach. Data collected by questionnaire and interview. The sample was 65 students of State and Private Vocational Schools in Bali Province. Data were analyzed with simple linear regression. The results showed that there was a correlation between entrepreneurial learning methods and student entrepreneurial interests. Based on statistical calculations that the contribution of entrepreneurial learning methods so far to the entrepreneurial interests of students in the field of Catering is as small as 23.7%. While the remaining 76.3% is influenced by other factors. The implication of the findings of this study is that teachers must continue to develop methods, learning models that are able to contribute, foster student entrepreneurial interest in the field of Catering better, where the expectation of contributions above 60% so that students are truly ready for entrepreneurship.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 2624-2629