
Learning Behaviour of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Role Model towards Purchase of Local Cosmetic Product

Al Mahadi Bin Hussin, Siti Nor Bayaah Binti Ahmad, Jo-Ann Tan Kim Yoke and Haysriq Bin Thomeeran

This study seeks to explore respondents’ perception and perceived usefulness of e-Learning systems. The study employed the qualitative approach by using focus group. Data was gathered from two groups of respondents, the officers and other ranks who at present are the trainees for one of the government agencies in Malaysia. The process of data collection was done in February 2018 and it involved 32 personnel which then were grouped into three categories (early adopters, moderate access and heavy access). The respondents are the first badge among various intake that were selected to undergo training and classes in a blended learning environment. The results revealed a positive response and perception of the implementation of e-Learning system. More than 90% of the respondents agreed that the implementation of e-Learning into their training modules have met their expectation. There is also a strong positive effect on the usefulness of e-Learning systems towards the respondent’s daily job routine. With further suggestion and continuous improvement, the present e-Learning system can be more interactive and serve as the point of reference to the trainees.

Volume 12 | Issue 3

Pages: 166-172

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I3/20201179