
A Novel Approach for Data Attack Prevention for Mobile Edge Computing Assisted IoT Applications

Pradeep Sudhakaran, C. Malathy, D. Sai Abhilash and M. Sreehith Reddy

In the world of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) techniques, they are more and more electronic devices, with specific features and capabilities to access the network and large amounts of data. The present architecture of the computing cannot fulfil the requirements like low latency, fast data access for Internet of Things applications. This problems and execution efficiency can be improved by mobile edge computing. Here is the Novel Approach for data attack prevention for mobile edge computing assisted IoT applications. In this model, these are the participants, i.e. Channel Impulse Response, Estimating Channel Impulse Responses, Assumptions and Attack, Virtual Multipath Attack. This model provides the source authentication, integrity, privacy of terminal devices and saves half of the communication cost by introducing mobile edge computing assisted Internet of Things application.

Volume 12 | 04-Special Issue

Pages: 116-121

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP4/20201472