
Musical Hermeneutics, Semantics, and Semiotics

S.S. Aksenova, M.G. Kruglova, V.A. Ovsyannikova, M.V. Pereverzeva and A.V. Smirnov

In recent decades, musicology has been steadily turning to the development of problems of hermeneutics – the science of understanding the content and explaining the figurative-semantic concepts of works, representation and interpretation of musical information, and methods of transmitting the author's intention to listeners. The work aims to identify the essence of musical hermeneutics, semantics, and semiotics as necessary disciplines in the formation of the skill of critical perception of information and analytical thinking as universal competencies of professional musicians. The main result of the work is the identification of effective methods of hermeneutics: active-dialogical perception of a work of art, comprehension of the meaning of a text through analysis of its elements based on the experience of auditory perception, consideration of music in connection with philosophy and history of culture, and decoding of its content in the character of a literary program including a specific plot description. The main conclusions of the study are that the development of musical hermeneutics, semantics, and semiotics as disciplines of a new formation is necessary for modern musicians due to changes in socio-cultural conditions, features of psychological and thought processes, as well as a new vision of the world, new attitude to the past, and new values of youth in the field of art and culture.

Volume 12 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 779-784

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP3/20201317