
Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Access E-Governance Services by Rural People with the Mediating Effect of Information and Communication (ICT) Literacy

M.Bhuvana, S.Vasantha

Objectives: Amongst the emerging Asian Economies, India is a nation with 70 % of population living in rural areas which casts pressure on Government to focus more on development of Rural India. ICT acts as a provider of major opportunities to rural livelihoods and contributes towards poverty reduction. Productivity of rural areas can be enhanced by usage of ICTGovernment of India has ambitious objective of transforming the interaction of citizens with government in an electronic form. Through this, Government can ensure more transparency and better administration. Through this paper an attempt has been made to identify various building blocks that have led to rural development through various ICT initiatives. Methods: The study has adopted Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) for building the conceptual model. Primary Data for the study has been collected from the rural villages of Tirupur District. The data has been analyzed through SPSS 21 and the proposed model has been empirically tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through AMOS 21. Findings: From this study it is found that E-governance Services is used by 58.2% of the rural respondents. Different initiatives by government through the developments in ICT have helped E-governance to take off since the beginning of millennium. Through the Structural Equation Modeling it was found that there exists a cause and effect relationship between the study variables. Novelty: Different building blocks like increasing literacy rate in rural areas, the initiatives like Digital India campaign will help in making the rural people encouraging them to get in contact with Indian government through just a click of button. So in a nutshell it can be concluded that increasing digital literacy with the help of technical advancements are leading and will lead to rural development in India.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 176-187

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S202010020