In the present era, citizens are seeking accountable, transparent, and speedy governance. Public service is increasingly understood as a right and as an entitlement. To meet the challenges of accountable governance, individuals involved in the governance process need to possess the capability and capacity. Hence, the organizations need to change their way of functioning. This can be achieved by transforming the organization into a knowledge-based organization through proper capacity building process leading to knowledge transformation and by inculcating the knowledge sharing practice among the employees. The relevant Knowledge has always been the prime mover for the prosperity. A knowledge society is one of the foundations for development of any nation. In the Knowledge Based Economy, the public organisations engaged in citizen centric service delivery, the knowledge development and knowledge sharing become one of the important activities nowadays. In terms of Knowledge Management, these public organizations involved in governance of the state have a special status, because their production is knowledge and only knowledge. The Knowledge Capital they accumulate in their activities therefore is a strong strategic issue and the management of these assets has become crucial. Knowledge generation are playing very active role for producing new ideas within the society and update the knowledge for the development of the society. "The 21st century is the age of the knowledge economy. In today’s era, the power of new ideas, new thinking and innovation is greater than money. This article deals with various initiatives and efforts made by the public organisations on knowledge transformation to enhance performance.
Volume 12 | Issue 1
Pages: 143-147
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I1/20201022