The modular multilevel converter (MMC) has one of the most preferred converter topology for various medium and high power energy conversion systems like HVDC transmission systems & industrial drives. This topology has executed a few animating operational qualities like high modulation Index, better voltage stability, and low harmonic content in the output wave form, redundant in detection of faults and more reliable. MMC is the combination of half bridge sub module configurations with DC capacitors. The MMC control requires output voltage, current, inner circulating current and sub module capacitor voltage. In the present paper, a sliding mode control (SMC) - based procedure is recommended for the Modular multi-level converter. In order to achieve the desired response characteristics like minimization of circulating currents, less THD in the output voltage, and loss minimization in the converter a new control is proposed and it is implemented using MAT LAB/SIMULINK.
Volume 12 | Issue 2
Pages: 251-258
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/ S20201040