The lifetime of the network is increased in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by an effective energy saving technique named as Clustering. The energy of the cluster heads (CHs) that are adjacent to the base station (BS) gets depleted because of traffic load at high inter-cluster relay in the multi-hop approach and the issue of hot spot arises. Therefore, a clustering protocol must have effective energy and should be fault tolerant. By using the process of TDMA which is stated as PSO-UFC-EE-TDMA, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed in this paper on the basis of unequal as well as fault tolerant clustering. Additional CH also known as Surrogate cluster head (SCH) is selected because of unexpected MCH failure in order to restore the connectivity of the network in PSO-UFC protocol. The energy is saved using TDMA by allotting time slots in the transmission of the data. The lifespan of the network is extended by PSO-UFC-EE-TDMA technique compared to PSO-UFC, EBUC, PSO-C as well as LEACH-C protocols which is presented in the simulation results.
Volume 11 | Issue 11
Pages: 8-17
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11I11/20193163