Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offence, which more likely is undertaken by a person or organization with a position of authority. Indeed, slowly it becomes a risk which crucial to be managed properly as it has the potential to affect the outcome with an element of compromised eventually.In curbing the developmental risk of corruption in the environment, corruption risk management is stressed as a tool for improving the development outcomes with the indirect intention to reduce the fiduciary risk as well as reputational risk. Undeniably, the cost-benefit or corruption risk analysis is used as a basis in order to produce an effective or best practice in corruption risk management. The growth of corruption risk issues with an addition to the new challenges in the revolution of IR 4.0, there are various studies that have been conducted in this field. Consequently, this study aims to present the trend of the study on corruption risk management globally. This study adopted a bibliometric analysis based on the data obtained from the Scopus database. Based on the keywords used which are related to the “corruption risk” or “corruption risk management” in the title of the article, the study manages to obtain 212 documents for further trend analysis. Few tools have been engaged,i.e. SPSS to conduct the frequency analysis;VOSviewer for data visualization; and Harzing’s Publish or Perish for citation metrics and analysis. This study reports the results using standard bibliometric indicators such as document type, source type, subject area, year of publications, keywords, languages, geographical distribution, keywords, authorship and analysis of the citation. Based on the findings, there is a tremendous growth of publications on corruption risk management over the years since 1998; however, the lack of study in relation to digital corruption risk management. The increasing number of works on corruption risk management indicates the importance of the matter and unquestionable on the present focus should include technology issue in relation to the recent development of IR 4.0.
Volume 12 | Issue 2
Pages: 1627-1638
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201201