
Application Of Dc Reactor Fcl To Limit Distributed Generation Effect On Distance Relay Coordination

B. Venkata Ramana, I. Prabhakar Reddy

This paper suggests that the length transfers of transmission lines are used up to a particular degree of faults on lines. Time relays are used here for the purpose of relay synchronization. This paper considers the parameters of the relay which influence the operation of the system are MHO transfer characteristics, area settings and zone separation period. The term synchronization is used to indicate the coordination of distance relays in a circulating process with the fault period. The impact of the dispersed generator (DG) on the power system is analyzed in this paper. It reduces the generator fault already diffused and restores the primary instance of relay synchronization by splitting the relay settings when the present restricting problem becomes altered. The strategy for choosing the current limit and the average value is represented for the DC reactor type. The linkage modeling and simulation tests for the effect from distributed generation on protection system coordination are presented and addressed below.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 1658-1670

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201205