In this paper the implementation of adaptive background subtraction method based on hidden data using python with artificial intelligence is done. Basically, while traveling the products, it will first scan the bar code and if there are no scratches to bar code then it will perform its operation normally. But if there is scratch in bar code then manual operation should be performed according to our research work. In this manual operation first the product will be scanned and then recognition of that image will be done. Now the hidden data of that product will subtract the remaining data, this hidden data is taken by readable data using artificial intelligence. The main advantage of this hidden data is that we can check the previous data of that product. Hence at last by using this technique product details will be known when the customer is going to access for billing purpose. Hence this research work provides effective result in terms of efficiency, time and data storage.
Volume 12 | Issue 2
Pages: 1681-1686
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201207