
Enhanced Selective Encryption Method to Secure Mobile Ad hoc Network

Ajay kushwaha,Megha Mishra,Subhash Chandra Shrivastav

In today's environment, security of data sent on the network is highly recommended. The research problem states that while different security solutions are implemented on a daily basis, the flaws in the security loop still spread and thus continuous innovation is important for data protection. The paper proposes to develop a Selective Significant Data Encryption (SSDE) algorithm to encrypt text data, adding remarkable data complexity during encryption, boosting efficiency. The SSDE provides the encryption method with ample complexity, as it only extracts only relevant data from the message using NLP. It effectively reduces time taken to encrypt and enhances performance. Symmetric key methods are generally proficient and efficient cryptosystems over other approaches. SSDE is the proposed approach found to be superior to current ones in this study.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 1696-1701

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201209