Every educational institutions needs to analyse and monitor participation. Educationists believe that there should be a fair number of students available in the majority of their classes. In colleges participation is used a measure of consistency. To deal with this kind of a challenging situation, biometric based participation monitoring framework is being proposed. This proposed method with the assistance of face recognition will help in maintaining every detail about the present students in a classroom save the same in the class database. The camera captures the image of students and compares them with the existing visual data available in the database. In case, the software is not able to find a match for the captured data in the student database, the particular student is marked as absent. Queuing Petri nets help in fulfilling customised demands of various institutions along with providing better performance in terms of hold up time. With the application of this technology, classroom participation is recorded and saved every hour. The database is accessed and maintained using cloud services and necessary security measured are incorporated as provided by major private cloud service providers with playfair cipher technique.
Volume 12 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 459-468
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP5/20201781