To achieve the goals that have been determined, organizations must be able to use the resources needed to get the waste of time, energy and thoughts can be minimized. This is where the role of the managers of human resources is needed to create a work atmosphere and environment that makes the workers work calmly and comfortably in their work and the implementation of good discipline work to influence more optimally in creating work productivity. After conducting research on the Environmental Effect of Working and Discipline on Employee Productivity at PT. Duta Marga Lestarindo Medan, it can be concluded: t score of 2.777 means the correlation between work environment variables (X1) and discipline (X2) on employee work productivity variables (Y) of 2.777. F test value of 7.598 means that the variable has a strong correlation level. R Square value of 0.798. R value of 0.586 means the correlation between the variable Work Environment (X1) and Discipline (X2) on employee work productivity (Y) of 0.586. It means that variables have a strong correlation level. Based on the hypothesis testing if Fobserve> Ftable, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Associated with a positive and significant effect consisting of work environment variables (X1), and discipline discipline (X2) together a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity at PT. Duta Marga Lestarindo Medan. The calculated score of the variable Work environment is 3.471 with a significant level of 0.002. The table score at α = 5%, with degrees of freedom (df) = (32-3) is 2.576 or by looking at the sig score 0.249 <0.05. Suggestions given to the leaders of PT. Duta Marga Lestarindo Medan to implement a good work environmentand atmosphere and establish good discipline and regulation to increase work productivity
Volume 12 | Issue 6
Pages: 554-564
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201063