All over the world, many trainers and physical education teachers do not pay attention to the importance of assessing the physical capacities of athletes and its consequence on the physical performance of athletes. Of these, the primary purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the workout training program on physical performance of athletes through VO2max and the muscle power of the lower limbs in various sports disciplines. This study designed using a quantitative approach and involved as much as 56 athletes from seven special sport disciplines such as Beach volleyball, Pencak silat, cycling, climbing, girl rugby, roller skating, and Taekwondo. The respondent selected using random sampling technique with playground test (1) beep test to assess VO2max; (2) vertical bounce to assess the muscle power. The data analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the sprint test found that 31 athletes are low category, 3 athletes are high level; 16 is the ideal category; 6 athletes are classified as a very low category. For the vertical jump test, the result showed that 6 athletes are excellent category, 26 athletes are medium level, 10 classified as good level, and 13 athletes are low level. In addition, the results of this study also found that there is a significantly different value of VO2max between Cycling, Volleyball, Climbing and Roller skating with Pencak silat. Further, the value of VO2max has significantly different between Taekwondo and Female Rugby with Water polo and also Cycling and Roller skating. In conclusion, the sports athlete needs a good physical performance such as cardiorespiratory endurance (VO2max) and muscle power.
Volume 12 | Issue 6
Pages: 757-765
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201091