Development of sharing economy creates new challenges and opens unprecedented opportunities for business. In this economic environment industrial enterprises can expand their direct selling strategies with the new business model “product as a service”. This option is the result of a shift inconsumer preferences among clients of industrial enterprises.The development of consumer choice model applied to sharing economy is a topical agenda, perhaps now more than ever.Such model, if available, would help predict multiple scenarios of consumer behaviour and prepare the manufacturing companies for better interaction with their target market. This article makes an attempt to offer a consumer choice model in sharing economy, based on 4 types of possible consumer behaviour. The results of the article serve as a foundation of multi-agent modelling and quantitative assessmentof abstract situations in the business-to-consumer market.
Volume 12 | Issue 6
Pages: 1239-1245
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201313