
A Study on Post Retirement Feasibility, Opportunities and Challenges towards Enterprise Establishment

B. Kruthika and Dr. Ravi Kumar

From a progressive aspect, the nature of retirement has changed in many industrialized nations across the globe. It has become very common that retirees engage themselves in part-time or full time job after retirement. The retirees are in quest to find an employment opportunity as they want to make use of their skills to a greater extend. The main objective of the study is to understand post retirement feasibility, opportunity and challenges faced byretirees in setting up a new enterprise. The structured questionnaire was distributed to a sample size of 30retireesto understand the above elements, who opted to venture an enterprise after retirement. Data collected has been analysed with help of Descriptive Statistical Tool.The study show that the prime challenges faced were raising finance and getting the right contact that can support for start-ups. The study highlighted the feasibility components for starting an enterprise after retirement were found as self-confidence, financial support from the institutions, rich past experience. Around 94% of the responses showsuccess stories and it was suggested to updatethem in the changing environment of business by that they sustain and compete to grow. The study concludes with observations that post retirement enterprise establishment opportunities are ample and gives a space to fulfil the unfulfilled desires of employees through their employment.

Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue

Pages: 474-481