Relationship marketing comprise of relationships, networks and interactions. CRM is directed to retention by cultivating the loyalty of customers of the company’s products and services. The orientation of marketing shifted from focusing in “what we sell” to “what customers buy”, which are deliberated from the assumption that companies are obligated to manage its relationship with their customers. Behavioral purpose is affected by the service quality and are an indicator of customer retention. Therefore, in this research be would for to put into trust and commitment as core variable in relationship marketing and as mediating variable between service quality and customers loyalty. Therefore, this study incorporates trust as core variables in establishing customer satisfaction which will lead to the enhancement of trust, commitment, and loyalty. The loyalty of customers is held as a great value for a firm because their support is more manageable to preserve and cost less to maintain.
Volume 12 | Issue 4
Pages: 553-562
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I4/20201952