
The System of Linguistic Persona Descriptors In Anthropocentric Paradigm of Humanitarian Knowledge. Linguophilosophic Approach

P.b. Lisov , g.v. Mitina , ye.g. Skrebova , l. Yu. Vitruk

The article deals with the system of language personality descriptors in the anthropocentric paradigm of humanitarian knowledge. In the process of analysis, the authors propose a justification for the priority of the description of the linguistic persona in the system of descriptors borrowed from the field of philosophical knowledge. This approach allows us to detect and observe two phenomena that make up its phenomenology. First, in the process of cognition of objective reality, the linguistic persona is realized in two qualities – the observer and the cognizing subject. This manifests the anthropocentric principle, which implies the obligatory and natural existence of the observing and cognizing subject at all stages of the development of objective reality. Secondly, the perception and comprehension of any fragment of objective reality is directly dependent on a particular human personality, which leads to the emergence of ontological oppositions of the individual/internal and multiple/external, real/concrete and ideal/abstract. The way of nonconfrontational coexistence of ontological oppositions is the speech utterance generated by the linguistic persona, which is based on the singularity – the non-anthropological ontological event reflected by the human consciousness, which has a point character and has the property of proliferation.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2448-2454

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201203