The article analyzes the current context of assessing the general professional competence of law school students. An approach has been proposed according to which the assessment procedures for general professional competencies have been integrated with the assessment of universal competencies. The authors show that the introduction of requirements for universal competencies in the Federal State Educational Standard changes the meaning and status of general professional competencies, and their compatibility means a greater demand for selfefficacy of a law school graduate than there is today. In contrast to the concept of "general cultural", the concept of" universal " makes sense as a source of general professional competencies, and not their complement. Universal ones determine the supra-subject and interdisciplinary nature of general professional competencies. Considering the requirements for general professional competencies in this logic, the authors speak of them as an intrapersonal resource for mastering the profession, which for future lawyers also becomes a factor in neutralizing the negative social determinants of legal activity. The proposed approach is based on the theory of activity and ideas of self-determination of future professionals. The integrity of intra-subject dominants of activity and the subject of activity dictated by the legal profession has been considered. The organizational and content unity of activity and competence approaches in planning procedures for evaluating general professional competencies has been explained. It is emphasized that during the transition of higher education from the qualification model of training specialists to the competence model, skills were updated, which later became part of the requirements for universal and general professional competencies. This prerequisitehas become one of the others that explain the meaning of integrating the assessment of the formation of universal competencies into the assessment procedures for general professional competencies As an example for research judgments and arguments, the method of integrated cases for assessinggeneral professional competencies has been presented. According to the authors, it increases the formative function of their assessment and makes it possible to use appropriate procedures not only for control purposes, but also for the development of students. The arguments for integrating evaluation tools into the program-methodical study and production practices of students have been presented. Practical illustrations of research novelty have been presented on the example of practice-oriented training of lawyers in the conditions of a legal clinic.
Volume 12 | Issue 6
Pages: 2455-2460
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201204