Security is the main concern in Big Data analysis. In the security analysis, most of the approaches that provide an effective security yet uses high amount of resources like memory or storage and time delay in order to increase the cost of processing. This paper emphasis on improvement based utilization of resources by means of optimization of encryption approach. This type of concern completely increases the anxiety of the users and it reduces the cloud computing adaptability in various fields, such as the governmental agencies and the financial industry. This paper mainly focuses on the evaluation of the novel framework based on workflow load balancing using traditional system and proposes an approach based on intelligent cryptography, by which the operators of the cloud service lose the ability to reach the partial type of data on direct basis. The research also evaluates the big data security based framework in metaheuristic environment using traditional systems. The proposed approach helps in dividing the file and it separately stores the data in distributed cloud servers. This kind of research helps to improve the classification of sensitive data and it schedules the cloud in an optimizing manner which increases the timebased efficiency and cost of security.
Volume 12 | Issue 7
Pages: 173-182
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/20201997