
Employees Perception towards Market Orientation and its Impact on Firm Performance: Exploratory Factor Analysis

Mukesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Roopali Sharma and Dr. Ritu Arora

Market orientation is a business viewpoint that makes the client the point of convergence of an organization's complete activity. Market oriented firms try to comprehend clients' communicated and inactive needs and create unrivaled answers for those necessities. It is an authoritative culture that most successfully and effectively makes the essential conduct for the formation of prevalent incentive for purchasers and, along these lines, constant predominant execution for the business. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the connectivity between market orientation and the performance of the hotel industry with the aspect to explore the attributes for further advancement in Northern India. The participants of this study were the employees from 305 hotels located in the Northern part of India. These participants were asked to provide their notion as per their experience towards market orientation. Findings indicate that a strong linkage between market orientation and firm performance exists in the hotel industry of Northern India as limited research has been conducted in this region. Different studies conducted earlier about market orientation and the performance of the firm has been done for large organizations. To measure the perception of employees/managers/owners of the hotels towards market orientation, a questionnaire was developed by using 36 items as per the MARKOR scale. Therefore this research paper offers to the current literature by changing the direction of research and studying market orientation in the domain of the hotel industry of Rajasthan. To explore the underlying factors, “Exploratory factor analysis” (EFA) was used. Besides, this research paper provides the service industry managers a proper guideline to adopt the activities of market orientation mostly in the Northern part of India.

Volume 12 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 1828-1833

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202295