
Medical Texts as a Factor to Store Factual Information for the XVI Century AD in the Prevention of COVID-19 Pandemic

Elis Suryani Nani Sumarlina, Undang Ahmad Darsa, Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana, Ike Rostikawati Husen, M. Adha Al Kodri

The ancient Sundanese manuscript as a legacy of the past is important and needs to be informed of its existence at this time because there are still many Sundanese texts whose contents have not been revealed, especially those relating to traditional medicines, treatment secrets, and treatment procedures. The task of the philologist is to inform the public so that it can be used by other disciplines in a multidisciplinary manner, especially medical manuscripts that are useful for preventing and overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic, which is now endemic in Indonesia and the world. The use of a variety of traditional medicinal plants including the methods and actions of medicine revealed in the manuscript is quite interesting to discuss in this paper, through descriptive comparative analysis research methods, and methods of philological studies, both codicological and technological and socio-cultural and pharmacological studies. It is expected to be able to describe, codify, classify, research, study, and analyze, the types, functions, and uses and treatment procedures to prevent and overcome various diseases, especially Covid-19 drugs that have not found anti-virus. However, by consuming medicinal plants with the right dose, usage, method, and medication, at least it can increase immunity/endurance, to ward off viruses, germs, bacteria that enter the body. Through the socialization and implementation of traditional medicinal plants, it is hoped that the wise community will select and select medicinal plants so that they will be effective and well-targeted.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2661-2669

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201225