
Raising Entrepreneurial Interest Of Students Through Hinduism-Based Education

I Ketut Sudarsana, Marsono, GedeAgus Siswadi, Ni WayanSariani Binawati, I Komang Mertayasa, AchmadNurFuad Chalimi, Poniman, Acai Sudirman, Suyono, Pranata, I Ketut Wisarja, Ida Anuraga Nirmalayani, I Ketut Suparya

The purpose of this study was to describe efforts to raise the entrepreneurial interest of students through education based on Hinduism values. Entrepreneurial interest among students plays a very important role in economic growth. In recent years, elements of government and intellectuals have emphasized the importance of raising entrepreneurial behavior in the community. Entrepreneurial interest should be built early, especially among students as a foundation in the future so that employment is increasingly wide open with an economic climate that is full of innovation. Students as the successor of the nation and the backbone of the country in the future, are among those who are deemed necessary to equip themselves with interests and a passion for doing business. Students in the era of the ASEAN economic community are challenged to create their own jobs with innovative ways and ideas.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2957-2965

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201259