
Towards Prosperous Regions: Community Participation in Supporting International Cooperation between Yogyakarta of Indonesia and Gyeongsangbukdo of South Korea

Sri Issundari, Yanyan M. Yani, WidyaSetyabudi, DudyHeryadi

The study aims to analyse public participation in the Yogyakarta (Indonesia) – Gyeongsangbukdo(South Korea) international cooperation. Yogyakarta-Gyeongsangbukdo international cooperation is one of the successful collaborations among many other international partnerships atthe regional level. The regional international cooperation has an impact on local welfare. Community participation is an essential element of the success of the partnership. The research is descriptive-qualitative to explore the level of community participation in Yogyakarta- Gyeongsangbukdo international cooperation. Data were obtained from primary data sources, namely interviews with managers of BPPM Yogyakarta, YGSI foundation chair, and Sumbermulya community. Secondary data were obtained from articles, documents, books, and reports on the profile of Yogyakarta, and the sister province of Yogyakarta-Gyeongsangbukdo. The findings of the study are the level of community participationin international cooperation. Here, the form of community participation is in decision making, implementation, benefits and evaluation.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 3209-3215

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201442