
The Model of Management of One Door Agriculture Business in the Border of Indonesia – Malaysia Sambas District based on Islamic Economic Perspective

Roikhan Mochamad Aziz, Wulan Purnamasari, Jamadi, Denny Nurdiansyah and Mohammad Aldrin Akbar

This mixed methods study has succeeded in identifying a new model of integrated agricultural business management or one-stop business on the Indonesia-Malaysia border, precisely in Sambas Regency. This new model system is run from the perspective of Islamic economics. Previously, the agricultural business in Sambas Regency was not managed based on the Islamic economic system so that people were only victims of the existing system, not entrepreneurship and innovation investment. To help understand this analysis, a literature review of existing data in the field such as the government and institutions involved to benefit from this new Islamic economic model is carried out. After a few simple statistical analyzes such as displaying data tables, graphs and descriptions, the results of this study identically prove that the findings of this study meet the principle of the validity of the reliability of the problem or research objectives in which a new model of one-door agricultural business based on the Islamic economic system is applied significantly in Sambas district area in West Kalimantan so that local people can now benefit from the management and innovation of this new Islamic economy. Therefore, a similar study with greater coverage is needed so that agricultural systems and businesses can increase agribusiness activities that benefit local communities in sharia business.

Volume 12 | Issue 8

Pages: 204-209

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I8/20202465