
Fugitive Material Analysis Of Coal Power Plant Belt Conveyor In Indonesia Using Rcfa And Sem-Pls Methods To Increase Productivity

Akhyar Zuniawan, Erry Rimawan, Farida Elmi, Antonius Setyadi

Nowadays coal power plants are the main source of electricity in the world and most growth in Asia. In Indonesia coal power plants are dominate the total power generation capacity. Coal handling equipment in coal power plant is using belt conveyor system to transporting coal from ship unloader until coal bunker, and this belt conveyor remains some problems as fugitive material and its covers carryback, spillage and dust. The aim of this study is to increase productivity by analysis of fugitive material in belt conveyor using RCFA (Root Cause Failre Analysis) and SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square) when transporting coal in coal power plant. This study was taken at 4 units of coal power plant in Indonesia consist of 3x330MWWest Java, 2x315-East Java, 2x110MW-Riau and 2x15MW-Banten.Existing condition of fugitive material was 4% from total material transported at coal power plant 3x330 MW-West Java. However by RCFA method using fishbone diagram and FMEA approach; it is align with ststistical analysis using SEM-PLS to finding the root cause failure of the belt conveyor. And after the improvement, the productivity was increase up to 2.7% and the fugitive material was decrease into 1.3 %. The result was showed that this study have positive impact for the coal power plant to be cleaner and more productive.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 3027-3049

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201268