Tool wear estimation of self-propelled rotary tool during dry and wet machining of En31 steel using RCMT10T3MO4025 inserts is carried out. A self-propelled rotary circular tool holder has been designed and fabricated for potential application of rotary technique in the turning of En31 steel. The influence of machining parameters on flank wear, surface finish during turning on En31 alloy steel using rotary tool is also investigated. The basic aim of the design and development of the self-propelled rotary circular tool holder is to study the effect of circular tool and self-propelled rotational techniques in turning by utilization of the developed holder. However, few points have been considered during design and fabrication of the self-propelled rotary circular tool holder such as circular tool holder should be rigid, rotate freely, circular tool can be hold with different inclination angles, bearing should be selected properly so that minimum frictional energy requires during rotations.
Volume 11 | Issue 3
Pages: 101-105