
Intellectual Capital on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMES): Case Study of the Industrial Center of Textile Products in Cigondewah Bandung Indonesia

Y. Astuti and D. Rahadian

The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of Intellectual Capital (IC) on Textile Products Industry Center Cigondewah Bandung in enhancing the competitive advantage of business. The research method used a mixed method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The data used was based on semi- structured interviews with informants. Data analysis technique used Intellectual Capital Statement (ICS), while the results of the analysis indicated by IC management portfolio. The results of this study indicated that there are 16 IC factors in the industrial center of textile products Cigondewah. The industrial center Cigondewah Bandung needs to carry out the systematic management actions. Meanwhile, business owners need to develop the use of technology to facilitate business processes.

Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 1041-1048