
Volume 11, 07-Special Issue

An Adaptive Approach for Association Rule Mining in Cloud Computing Using Hadoop Technology

Dr.D. Kerana Hanirex and Dr.A. Muthu Kumaravel

Pages: 1745-1748

Improved decimator for communication between an underwater basestation and an underwater sensor node

Sunhee Ki

Pages: 1749-1754

Integrated Feature-based Foreground Object Detection from Video Data

Seok-Woo Jang, Sang-Hong Lee

Pages: 1755-1761

LPWAN Dedicated Low Power and Providing High Reliability IoT-DMS Design and Manufacture

Minje Jang, KyungHwan Lee, Gab-Sang Ryu

Pages: 1762-1766

Memory Module Insertion Model Using Torque Limit Function

Dong-Su Kim, Koo-Rack Park, Dong-Hyun Kim , Jae-Woong Kim

Pages: 1767-1772

Modified Single Shot Multibox Detector for Fine Object Detection based on Deep Learning

Hoi Jun Kim, Sang Hun Lee, Ki Bong Kim

Pages: 1773-1780

Optimization of K-Prototype Clustering using Firefly Algorithm

K. Arun Prabha, Dr.S. K. Jayanthi, Dr. N.Karthikeyani Visalakshi

Pages: 1781-1789

Performance Evaluation of Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition with Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Navigation

Boney A. Labinghisa, Dong Myung Lee

Pages: 1790-1794

Performance Evaluation of System According to LED Location and Angle in Multiple LED-vlc Systems

Doohee Han,Kyujin Lee

Pages: 1795-1800

Privacy-Preserving Queries on Location Information for Predictive Policing

Donghyeok Lee, Namje Park

Pages: 1801-1806

RecyclingMethod of Waste Vinyl and Plastic

Doo Hee Han

Pages: 1807-1814

Several Factors Effecting Stress Among Students

Zamani, N., Ab-Latif, Z. , Zunura’in, Z. , Asilah, A. M. 4, Zalina, I. , Fazhana, I.

Pages: 1815-1819

Study on 3D modeling of heel effect

Joon-Koo Choi

Pages: 1820-1825

Text Detection Using MGAPfor Hangeul Text Feature Map in Convolutional Neural Network

JunHyeok Kim , SangHun Lee, Jin Soo Kim , Hyun Ho Han

Pages: 1826-1833

The analysis and developments of concepts that accommodates changes in time

Zanariah Noor, Muhammad Akramin Kamarul zaman

Pages: 1834-1842

The Beauty And Benefits Of Proverbs As A Symbol Of The Mind

Norazimah Zakaria, Mazarul Hasan Mohamad Hanapi, Alizah Lambri, Nordiana Hamzah, Normarini Norzan

Pages: 1843-1853
